Members of Rotary Club of Woodbridge-Perth Amboy rallied in February to collect food for the Woodbridge Township “Have-A-Heart” Food Drive Challenge, which replenishes pantries after the holidays every year.  Special thanks go to Rotarian Ralph Winter for gathering two large donations of food that exceeded the 214 pounds.
Food was gathered by "We Feed Woodbridge," which replenished local pantries.  Peter Barcelona, Director of "We Feed Woodbridge," visited the Club in March to thank Club Members for donations over the years, as well as to update the Club on hunger in the Woodbridge and Perth Amboy area.
Woodbridge Township runs the “Have-A-Heart” Food Drive every year in February.  Township businesses, retail food service outlets, hospitality industry, corporate businesses and offices, community associations, schools and residents to donate 214 pounds of food or contribute $214.00 to assist Woodbridge food pantires continue their work providing food and meals to less fortunate residents and the homeless.  The “Have-A-Heart” challenge is encouraged throughout the year.