Area Governor and Past Club President Elroy Darden presented the Heroes Project Award to three Woodbridge Township first responders as part of the Township commemoration of 9/11 on Friday, September 10, at 6 pm, at the Memorial Grounds between Woodbridge High School and Woodbridge Main Library.
The Rotary Heroes Medals are dedicated to our frontline heroes -
Fire Commissioner - Patrick Kenny
WPD Detective - Mario Aochoa
Emergency Medical Technicians - Fire Chief Michael Barcelona.
These persons deserve the recognition and the honor that reflects their heroism and dedication to their community.
What started as a community service initiative in District 7475 has grown to become a new standard for Rotary Clubs, Districts, and Zones across the world to recognize, honor, and award firefighters, police officers, and EMT Personnel in their local community for acts of heroism and bravery. For more information about Heroes Project Awards and recipients in 2021, visit the project Facebook page, RotaryFrontlineHeroesProject.